Woman smiling while using a laptop in an office setting

Elevate Your Career

Build Your Skills and Your Career 

Whether you are a seasoned professional or new to the payments and fraud prevention industry, honing your skills and growing your knowledge can help you be more effective and advance your career. 

Whether you’re looking for in-person educational opportunities or want to enhance your knowledge from the comfort of your computer screen, you are sure to find a variety of educational courses, webinars, or other resources on a multitude of industry-related topics.

MRC Education Logo

Online Learning for Wherever You Are

Looking for comprehensive online courses or bite-sized educational content in form of webinars?  You are sure to find something to fit your needs and busy schedules. Advance your knowledge with expert-developed content and self-paced courses and live or on-demand webinars, accessible virtually anywhere.
View eLearning Courses
Image of attendees at an in-person educational workshop

In-Person Learning with Expert Thought Leaders

In-person learning allows you to interact with other learners and instructors in a physical setting. Meet your peers, grow your knowledge, and connect with instructors globally recognized for their skills and expertise.

Our in-person workshops are available at any of our flagship conferences. If you are planning on attending an upcoming conference, that is the perfect time to add a workshop to your registration and take the opportunity to learn in a more traditional classroom setting.

  • Learn from the best in the industry, gain knowledge, hear practical examples, and participate in dynamic conversations
  • Interact with your peers, share opinions and best practices, and find out how others tackle common challenges
  • Earn continuing professional education (CPE) credits
View All In-Person Workshops

Certified Payments and Fraud Prevention Professional (CPFPP) Program

Demonstrate your expertise in payments and fraud prevention. Get certified with the MRC. This certification provides verified proof of expertise for anyone hoping to advance their career in these quickly growing industries.
Find Out How to Get Certified
Image of a man working at a laptop

A Wealth of Educational Assets at Your Fingertips

The MRC houses and maintains an extensive library of resources, providing members with information and tools in one easy-to-search place. Whether you’re looking for information on specific topics, benchmarking data to see how you stack up against other businesses, or in-depth expertise that comes in the form of research documents and white papers, it’s here at your fingertips.
Browse the Resource Center
Image of a man taking an eLearning course

Earn Continuing Professional Education Credits

The MRC offers many opportunities for professionals to earn CPE credits. See how we can help you demonstrate your commitment to continuing knowledge growth and maintain skills directly applicable to the practice areas associated with your job.
Earn CPE Credits with MRC
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Industry Terms Worth Knowing

We’ve compiled a list of payments and fraud-related terms and definitions that are good to know when it comes to keeping up with trends while you work on making eCommerce safer and more profitable. We continually update this glossary as new trends and terms emerge and we invite you to occasionally look through it to stay up-to-date.
View Glossary of Terms
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