Sponsorship items at MRC events

Sponsorship Opportunities

Leverage the Power of Sponsorships

Our in-person conferences, regional networking events, virtual summits, and educational programs offer unique opportunities to increase visibility for your brand, showcase your expertise, and directly connect with your target audience. Sponsoring an MRC event or an online educational course gives you access to some of the largest global merchant organizations, puts you in front of the right people at the right time, and enables you to start having meaningful conversations.

Why Sponsor?

Benefit from pre-event, during, and post-event exposure, promote your company brand, demonstrate your expertise, and build a brand reputation.
Get in front of your target audience, educate them on your programs, products, and services, and generate leads.
Connect with experienced industry professionals and decision-makers, build strong relationships, and grow a loyal community around your brand.
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Conferences and Events Sponsor Opportunities

Updated 3 January 2024


These multi-day, in-person events showcase several tracks of educational content, workshops, and an exhibit hall. Depending on location, Flagship Conferences attract from 500 to 1,500 attendees, while the Member-Only Conferences provide an exclusive opportunity to connect with up to 300 industry professionals.


Regional Networking Events

MRC Connects are sponsored, 3-hour in-person events consisting of approximately 1 hour of content, followed by networking. Attendance for MRC Connects is about 50-100 attendees but can vary by location. Happy Hour events focus on networking and can attract up to 50 attendees.


Virtual Summits

MRC Virtual Summits are sponsored, one-day, single-track virtual or in-person events that dive into trending payments and fraud prevention topics. Attendance for MRC Virtual Summits is approximately 300-600 but can vary by topic.



MRC Education eLearning Courses

Take advantage of this unique opportunity to increase your brand visibility and demonstrate your organization’s expertise. Creating and sponsoring educational content structured around your expertise helps build your brand equity. More importantly, it gives you a competitive edge by putting you directly in front of an audience interested in the topic you’re educating on.


Set yourself apart and elevate your organization. Learn more about creating an eLearning course with the MRC today.