Card Network Forum Mastercard
Operational Resources
Card Schemes
Credit card
Julie Fergerson -- MRC, Lam Van Lund -- Mastercard, John Hierholzer -- Mastercard
Aug 19, 2021
The International Card Schemes regularly update their rules and while there is a good process in place to share updates with all relevant parties, the right information doesn’t always reach the most appropriate people in your organization. In this second of a series of webinars on Card Network Changes, we will bring speakers from the card schemes to you to discuss recent changes and their impact on retailers, what is coming down the line and how to better engage with the card schemes and with your acquirers about scheme rule changes that impact your business.
Lam Van Lund and John Hierholzer of Mastercard discuss the upcoming card network changes.
Lam Van Lund and John Hierholzer of Mastercard discuss the upcoming card network changes.
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