Global Reach with Pinpoint Accuracy: KYC + KYB at Scale

MRC Vegas 2024
Reverb, Trulioo
Mar 26, 2024

Reverb and Trulioo deliver a masterclass on how to optimize building trust online, worldwide. 

Calibrating the right onboarding for users in a marketplace is a complex balance between regulations, user expectations and varying risk profiles. Expanding this globally requires a sophisticated approach. Mix and match a dynamic set of verification capabilities to tailor the right paths for different entities being onboarded. The result is a safe and compliant platform, trusted by merchants and their customers. All this while improving efficiency and ROI. See how it’s done. 

Learning Objectives:

  • How to optimize identity verification for global expansion
  • KYB and KYC best practices specific to merchant onboarding for marketplaces
  • Levers to balance fraud, friction and margins

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